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  • How to Host Multiple Websites on a Single Ubuntu Server with Nginx
    Nowadays, being online is very important for both people and businesses. But it can also be expensive and complicated to run a website. That’s why some people choose to host more than one website on the same server. This way, they can save money and use their resources better. And it’s not that hard to do if you have the right tools and know-how. For example, you can use the Nginx web server to run multiple websites on a single Ubuntu server.
  • Deploying Django/Wagtail on Ubuntu with Gunicorn and Nginx
    Introduction: Have you ever wondered how to create amazing websites with Django or Wagtail? These are two of the most popular and versatile frameworks for web development in Python. But creating a website is only half of the battle. You also need to make sure that your website is public, can handle real-world traffic, and… Read more: Deploying Django/Wagtail on Ubuntu with Gunicorn and Nginx
  • How to Set Up SSL Certificates on Nginx and Apache Servers
    Introduction: Securing your website with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates is essential for protecting sensitive information and establishing trust with your users. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up SSL certificates on both Nginx and Apache servers. SSL certificates ensure that data transmitted between your server and the client’s… Read more: How to Set Up SSL Certificates on Nginx and Apache Servers
  • How to Lunch AWS EC2 Instance
    Learn how to launch an AWS EC2 instance with ease! Follow these simple steps to create scalable computing resources in the cloud. Get started now and take advantage of AWS’s powerful cloud computing services.

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